Vaccines are a vital component in your pet’s wellness care plan. Like us, they need the extra immunity provided by vaccinations to protect them from a variety of infectious diseases they might encounter in their environment. Common diseases that can affect pets include rabies, distemper, leukemia, and leptospirosis. At Midwest Animal Hospital in Orland Park, IL, we carry essential and lifestyle cat and dog vaccinations to accommodate their needs and keep them healthy. We generally recommend all vaccines for our patients, in order to provide them with the highest level of protection.
Vaccines We Carry for Cats and Dogs
We want your pet to have the protection they need to live a healthy and long life. To keep them safe while still letting them live life to the fullest, our animal hospital offers a wide variety of cat and dog vaccines, including:
Dog Vaccines
- Rabies (required for all dogs)
- Distemper / Adenovirus / Parvo / Parainfluenza (combination vaccine, required for all dogs)
- Leptospirosis (optional based on lifestyle)
- Bordetella (optional based on lifestyle)
- Bordetella (re-vaccinate every 6 months)
- Lyme (optional based on lifestyle)
Cat Vaccines
- Rabies (required for all cats)
- Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis / Calicivirus / Panleukopenia (“feline distemper” vaccine, required for all cats)
- Feline Leukemia (optional based on lifestyle)

Why are Some Pet Vaccines Optional?
At Midwest Animal Hospital, we believe all dogs and cats benefit most when their vaccines match their unique needs. While certain vaccines, like rabies, distemper, and feline distemper are generally required for all dogs and cats, we also offer vaccines that are recommended based on lifestyle and other factors. If there is a vaccine that your pet does not need due to a lower risk of exposure, then we will not recommend it. It is possible to over-vaccinate, and we want to avoid this whenever possible for your pet’s health and safety.
Naturally, if your pet’s circumstances change and they become eligible for a specific vaccine, such as Bordetella or Feline Leukemia, we can adjust their vaccination schedule accordingly.
To discuss your pet’s vaccinations and make sure they are staying protected, contact Midwest Animal Hospital today at (708) 478-7788.

Vaccinating Puppies and Kittens
Puppies and kittens should receive their first vaccination between 6-8 weeks old. This is because after puppies and kittens are weaned, they begin to lose the antibodies they received from their mother’s milk. We start with the distemper booster series, which involves re-vaccinating for distemper every 3 weeks until your pet reaches 16 weeks of age. At 16 weeks, your pet can receive their first rabies vaccination. They should be re-vaccinated for rabies once a year.
During your pet’s wellness exam, we can discuss their overall lifestyle to determine which other vaccines they will need to stay as healthy as possible. Bordetella and influenza are usually required for boarding, grooming or going to the dog park. Lyme and lepto are recommended based on risk of exposure.
Planning Your Pet’s Vaccinations
Rabies and distemper vaccines should be given annually, as the rabies and distemper viruses can be fatal once your pet becomes infected. The Lyme vaccine should also be given annually for pets that require it. We would be more than happy to answer all of your questions about cat and dog vaccinations when you bring in your pet for their wellness visit. You and your pet are welcome to stop in any time for their vaccinations, and anything else they might need.