Treating Cat and Dog Allergies

You may occasionally see your pet scratching at an itch, but if the scratching continues unabated on a daily basis, they could have a more significant problem. Many pets can develop cat or dog allergies during their lifetime, and as with people, they can be caused by any number of things in their immediate environment. That’s why our animal hospital in Orland Park, IL, offers pet dermatology services, from tests to treatments, to help you manage your pet’s allergy symptoms, alleviate the itch, and improve their condition. Call us at (708) 478-7788.

person petting gray kitten

Our Pet Dermatology Services

While certain skin conditions can yield similar symptoms, an accurate diagnosis must be made so that we can find the most effective treatment for your pet. Our dermatology services include:


  • Allergy testing (with Heska testing equipment)
  • Skin scraping
  • Skin cytology
  • Blood testing
  • Food trials

Treatment Options

  • Apoquel – oral anti-itching medication
  • Cytopoint – injectable anti-itch medication
  • Antibiotics – for treating infections
  • New or hypoallergenic diet
  • Topical spray/ointment
  • Medicated shampoo (BioHex)

Common Skin Conditions

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common skin conditions we see in patients, and can occur when your pet comes into contact with allergens such as pollen, dust mites, grass or mold. The itching that accompanies this condition can cause pets to scratch, lick, bite, and rub at the affected areas, such as the ears, feet/toes, ankles, muzzle, and underarms. The symptoms will worsen if left untreated, so be sure to set up an appointment for us to examine your pet and make a diagnosis.

Ringworm is more common in rescue and shelter animals, but it is also highly contagious (humans and animals can catch it from one another), and can take time to treat. Ringworm is not actually a worm, but a fungus that manifests as a raised, reddish, ring-like shape on the skin. Signs of ringworm in your pet may include circular areas of hair loss, dandruff, a dull coat, inflamed skin and itching.

Don’t Wait to Have Your Pet Treated

The more your pet scratches and licks at their skin, the more damage they can do to the skin barrier. This can lead to infection, and make their overall condition more difficult to manage. If you notice your pet scratching and licking themselves more than usual, bring them in to see us so we can help! Call us at (708) 478-7788.

happy bulldog getting pets