Acupuncture for Dogs and Cats
Acupuncture for dogs and cats might seem like an unusual service to offer, but if affords them various benefits just as it does with humans. This holistic modality is a minimally-invasive, drug-free and virtually painless therapy that relies on the body’s own healing abilities. It involves the careful placement of tiny needles on specific areas of the body where blood vessels and nerve bundles converge. These areas are known as ‘acupoints.’
The purpose of the needles is to stimulate the central nervous system and prompt the release of endorphins to relieve pain and inflammation, reduce pain and help your pet feel more relaxed overall. Acupuncture can also improve blood circulation. Call us at (708) 478-7788 to learn more about the benefits of acupuncture.
What Can Be Treated with Acupuncture?
If previous treatments for your pet’s condition have proven to be ineffective, your veterinarian might suggest acupuncture as an option. With this service, we can help owners manage conditions such as:
- Arthritis
- Seizures
- Intervertebral disc disease
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Cushing’s disease
- Back pain
- Renal failure
- Colic
- Hyper- and hypothyroidism
Can Acupuncture Help My Pet?
It is up to you and your veterinarian to decide whether acupuncture will be a viable treatment for your pet. They may want to consider other options first, or they could suggest acupuncture in conjunction with another type of treatment or therapy to produce the best results.
Following a thorough assessment of your pet’s condition, their full health history, temperament, and other factors, we can help you make a decision. For anxious pets, we can offer acupressure in place of acupuncture—this method involves administering pressure to the acupoints instead of placing needles, and can produce similar healing effects.
If you are interested in acupuncture to help your pet heal and feel more comfortable, you can give us a call at (708) 478-7788 or bring your pet in for a consultation.